Bushfire-Ready Neighbourhoods pop-up stand in Dodges Ferry.
One of many over the January school holidays to try and meet up with locals and shack owners and provide information on having a 5-minute bushfire plan, what to include in an...
Tips and information to prepare for bushfire season.
The benefits are that once hazards are identified, people can plan and undertake the necessary steps to make their property safe from bushfire.
Property Assessments looks at 8 key areas:
Bushfire-Ready Neighbourhoods pop-up stand in Margate. One of many over the January School Holidays to try and meet up with locals and shack owners, and to provide information on having a 5-minute bushfire plan, what to include in an emergency...
Sheffield Fire Brigade in conjunction with Bushfire-Ready Neighbourhoods are conducting a session for Kentish residents on bushfire preparedness topics.
Meet and greet TFS and your local firefighters and pick up some information about preparing for bushfires and developing a bushfire survival plan.
Also promoting the Bushfire-Ready BBQ on Saturday 24 October 2020.
Dennes Point Community Hall
Saturday 1 August 10.30-12.30
To better understand the risk of bushfire on North Bruny - all of Bruny Island north of the Neck - and to discuss what we can do as a...
A community event organsied by the Great Lake Community Centrewith a range of stakeholder stalls for locals to gain information relevant to their area.
"Planting for Bushfires' was an event organsied and run by the Kooonya Brigade Community Engagemetn Team for locals in the Koonya, Premaydena area.
Presenters were Steve Kemp (Koonya Brigade) and Tino Carnavale from Gardening Ausrtralia...
Tuesday 3 November 2020 | 6.30pm – 7.30pm | Sedgebrook Road, Taroona
Drop in anytime between 6.30pm and 7.30pm on either of the dates above. Have a chat with your local Taroona Volunteer Fire Brigade about...