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Bushfire Plan Workshops

Home > Bushfire Plan Workshops

Understanding what a bushfire can be like will assist you to choose whether to leave early if a fire threatens, or stay and defend your property, and prepare you for the conditions you might experience if you choose to stay.

Workshops are an engaging interactive time to get together and explore preparing you, your family and your home for a bushfire.

Having a Bushfire Survival Plan ensures that you will be as prepared as you can be and less likely to be exposed to risks as a result of not knowing what to do.

What will I learn? How will this help me? 

Workshops can cover areas such as:

  • Learning about fire behaviour, radiant heat and ember attacks
  • Understanding Fire Danger Ratings, Alert levels and the National Emergency Warning System
  • Why people have lost their lives, their properties, including : past fire history
  • Developing a Bushfire Survival Plan
  • Deciding to leave early or stay and defend
  • Preparing your home – creating a defendable space
  • Ember proofing your home
  • Preparing access, water for firefighters
  • Deciding to leave – when and where to go, how to get there, what to take, what about pets/animals
  • Identifying places of last resort, known as Nearby Safer Places

The workshops will take community groups through a leave early checklist/plan, stay and defend checklist/plan and a stay and defend checklist/plan that is relevant to you and your families individual circumstances.

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