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Hobart FMAC Meeting

Attended Hobart FMAC meeting and discussed the BRN Round 4 program.

East Coast Pre-Season Briefing

Attended East Coast Pre Season briefing for TFS volunteers and presented on BRN Round 4 program.

TFS South West Pre-Season Briefing

Presentation on BRN Round 4 as part of the TFS Pre Season briefing to TFS volunteers

Midlands FMAC Meeting

Attended Midlands FMAC meeting and discussed BRN Round 4.

NW Bay Group Pre-Season Briefing

Presentation to TFS volunteers about BRN as part of TFS pre-season briefing.

Southern FMAC Meeting

Attended Southern FMAC meeting, providing an overview of BRN Round 4.

TFS East Coast Pre-Season Briefing

Presentation to TFS volunteers as part of the pre-season breifing.

Stakeholder Meeting - DPIPWE Animal Biosecurity and Welfare Branch

Meeting with Deputy Chief Vetinary Officer, Biosecurity Tasmania.

Rosebery Bushfire-Ready Info Session

Saturday 6 March | 10am-1pm
Mt Black Mens Shed

Come along to this free community bushfire information session to hear about bushfire safety tips and how to be prepared for bushfires.

Rosebery Bushfire-Ready Drop-in Session

Rosebery Neighbourhood House
Wednesday 24 February | 11:30am - 2.30pm

Drop in for a chat, and find out how you can get ready for bushfire season.
Come along and pick up tips to prepare your home and family for...
