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Wynyard Show - BRN Information Stall
Risk Ready Roles

Bushfire ready Neighbourhoods will be presenting important information at the Red Cross, Risk Ready Roles presentation on thursday 23rd March at Swansea hall,

Doors open at 5:00pm with presentations beginning at 530pm

If you live,...

Risk Ready Roles

Bushfire ready Neighbourhoods will be presenting important information at the Red Cross, Risk Ready Roles presentation on thursday 23rd March at Swansea hall,

Doors open at 5:00pm with presentations beginning at 530pm

If you live,...

Richmond Village Fair
Red Cross, Risk Roles Ready at Orford

Bushfire Ready Neighbourhoods will be presenting at the Orforn Red Cross Risk ready roles event at Orford Golf Club on  Thursday 23rd Feb from 5:30pm


Come along to learn about our role, your responsibilities and how to prerpare,...

Ridgley Community Market - BRN Information Stall
Bushy Park Show BRN Information Stall
North West TFS Operations Meeting - Community Dev. Update
Strahan Fire Brigade BRN Strategy Meeting
West Coast Council Meeting
